The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Myanmar is implementing the project “FishAdapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Myanmar” with funding from the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The COVID-19 pandemic and other events in Myanmar have had a major impact on the project’s capacity to communicate and disseminate information. Community outreach work and face-to-face meetings have not been possible for much of the past 2 years.
In response, the FishAdapt project has developed the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) knowledge-sharing platform (android mobile application-beta version) that is designed to facilitate tele-training and capacity building opportunities through the sharing of reliable technical information, good practices and lessons learned.
In future, this P2P platform will aim to continue improving the users’ capacity to access to market information interactively and Early Warning Early Actions (EWEAs) notifications via push application. In the interests of Myanmar’s fisheries sector development, the P2P Platform is available on Google Play Store to the public who are interested in fisheries and aquaculture in coastal communities in Myanmar with an android smartphone or tablet (android version 4.4 and above) connected via Wi-Fi or mobile data.
You can download the FishAdapt project technically supported P2P mobile application on your android devices, by scanning the QR code on below image or from the
Google Play Store » https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nwt.fishadapt.
Learn more about Peer – to – Peer Platform » >